Go ahead.. Dream

go ahead, fly with your wings of imagination

would you please today, smile for no reason

be a super soul, save lives around the world

must you fight the fire, like you are the fire yourself

dive in the ocean, dare to swim along with the whales

swing with the waves, like you are the waves of high tide

be bold my dear, take a shower under the waterfall

let the white water absorb all the filth to cleanse your soul

would you sing a song my dear, even if there is no music

just search inside a little and be the music yourself

pick a quill today, make it dive into the pot of colorful ink

let your thoughts imprint, make that paper worthy 

today, must you forget the sins of the silly

be wise enough to forgive, like you’re forgiving a little child

today, be the one, you’ve always aspired to become

inject a little power to your soul, to your running blood

go ahead my dearest

dream today with your eyes open wide

just dream of the impossible

let your dream become your sight, your reality

Originally posted on the Strix

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