my dear tiny baby, my sweet little angel

I loved singing lullabys to you

holding you in my arms lovingly

your soft fragrant body, kissed mine

you opened your eyes, you closed them sometimes

you smiled in your dreams 

as I watched you in silence

when you could’t speak to me through words

you held me fingers to make me understand

how calm and soothing you felt in my arms

your world started with me

I was the only one for you

I fed you sweetness as I offered you my breast

your tiny mouth suckling on me

made me a woman complete

I am failing, I am at loss of words

I even wonder if I could ever express

the depth of my love for you

my tiny beautiful baby

image source

31 thoughts on “A woman complete

    1. True my dear Shambhavi. Mothers and their love and affection for their baby is priceless. I was imagining my children when they were just born and were very tiny while writing this poem. Loved writing it too. Thanks a lot for reading my dear.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re very much right. My mother and I cherish this bond. I have written a poem addressed to a child from a mother. This reminded me of that! ^_^
        Lots of love dear. ^_^

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  1. Hi MySestina! I have nominated you for the MakeItUltra™ Blogger Award for quality content, originality and presentation. If you choose to accept please visit for details. If you choose to decline, please take it as a compliment that I have recognized you for your quality work.

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  2. Motherhood makes woman complete and cherishing those moment are one should do…on and off..

    love the emotions the word the poem and poetess..

    Liked by 1 person

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