Would you like to participate in mySestina Blog Survey ? Please answer just one question –

Do you love to blog? Why?

Please leave your comments below. Also, leave the link to your site for more publicity.

Remember! your participation could inspire someone!

Thanks a lot!

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98 thoughts on “Participate in mySestina Blog Survey

    1. A wonderful thing to start with my dear. I strongly feel that blogging is the best way to express our thoughts on a platform where we get to meet others with same mindset. It is a brilliant way of connecting with likeminded people. Thanks for participating my dear. Would you like to leave your link as well.

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    1. Absolutely.. A wonderful way and a huge platform to voice out our opinions and thoughts.. Great going my dear.. All the best. Thanks for participating… I hope to get more traffic on your website..

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    1. I am so glad my dear. Sometimes, self criticism can be healthy to draw a line and to make sure we are on the right path. It is surely a treat to be connected with a generous and loving support base. All the very best.

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  1. I want to respond to 2 of your posts here. I blog because the words in my head are no longer comfy living alone. I love to entertain, and my blog feeds this need. Your other post about quit or persevere the blog slog is on point. It takes much work and I find that I must give to receive. I spend at least an hour every day reading and responding to others. This has been the best time I spend blogging. I write for another hour or more on my blog, and cap off my night with 1,000 to 1,500 words on my novel WIP. Writing is who I am, and I hold my blogging community dear to my heart. Helping others has paid dividends, not only to my heart, but to my exposure on the web. Thanks to all and see you in the blogosphere.
    First post ever July 4, 2016

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Wow Sherrie.. I love the line “the words in my head are no longer comfy living alone” Only a strong writer can say such meaningful words. I see a very strong blogger and a beautiful writer. And yes, it requires giving to it if we expect something out of it. I believe that it is a win-win situation. You know I too feel very strong now since the time I started this journey of blogging. I am more receptive, I am more open, I am daring to present my ideas without fear and I now call myself a writer…. wow

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      1. It is a wonderful day, indeed, when we verbally add “Writer” to our resume. I have been a writer for sooo long. I just forgot to tell anyone until this year. Yay to the release of the inhibition shackles that bind!

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  2. I love to blog because I feel I have many worthwhile messages to pass on, that seem to come to me from a deeper conscious I had lost touch with but have now rediscovered. I also like connecting and inspiring others whilst being inspired. But most of all I love writing and those who write. Namaste love peace and freedom to all here.

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    1. A beautiful reason… infact a lot of beautiful reasons to blog. Messages to pass on, Connecting and inspiring others and being inspired at the same time… Most of all, the love of writing… I am so glad that you are a beauitful and happy blogger… Loads of success your way and thanks a lot for participating

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    1. Interacting with like minded people and people who could relate to the situation we are in.. A fantastic way to connect and the key to self satisfaction.. How beautiful.. Thanks a lot for participating and Cheers to blogging!

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  3. I love sharing books and tales. And I enjoy getting to know people who enjoy the things I do. And I have learned so much about other cultures and countries! It’s fascinating😊

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    1. How true… Getting to interact with people with same interests… this is such an amazing way to connect. Also, it gets us the opportunity to know a lot of people from all over the world and we learn their culture… How fascinating! Thanks for your participation and loads of happiness your way..

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    1. The ONLY way to get your voice heard…. isn’t it just amazing.. such satisfaction we get from the world of blogging and sharing… Thanks a lot for participating.. Loads of happiness and success your way.

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  4. I love to blog because it gives me a sort of connection and that is to myself as well as others. I unravel myself as I write and make sense of my world. Through the sharing of words and ideas I’ve met some great people and it also confirms to me what love there is out there in the world. I have always loved to write and don’t see myself stopping 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beautiful. I am so glad that you don’t see yourself stopping and keep on going with your love of writing. Blogging makes us connect with a lot of people and gives us a sense of being heard. Thanks for participating and Cheers to blogging!

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  5. I love blogging because it a place for me where I can meet people who share same love and interests and not just that I came across many bloggers who were so different yet interesting. Every time when I come across a blog I find it difficult to believe that how different minds works, their interests their perception and their approach. I love exploring this diversity. Also I can share whatl what i think and people can get to know me 😁. Guys you can visit me on;

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is a fantastic point you have put forward here. Understanding other’s perspective and learning how different and miraculously people could think and work. Beautiful my dear. Thank you for your participation. Cheers to blogging!

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  6. I love to write and I am so grateful today’s world provides us the ‘blogging opportunity’. Sharing my thoughts with people, in my own country as well as over the whole world, getting feetback, together creating a better world with more love, care, making it more beautiful…. It makes me so thankful 🍀
    http://mooileven.org/ is my ‘child’ ❤

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    1. wow.. You are a beautiful soul. The intention of spreading love and care is the most wonderful thing we can do. I am so glad that you love your blog and all the best for your child to grow and stay strong. Thanks for participating…

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  7. I love to blog … it connects me to a world of wonderful creative people, it allows me to share my small patch of life here in Australia and it is the ultimate platform for reaching out to others. I’m grateful for the enrichment it’s given me and for all the beautiful people I’ve met. It really has opened up a whole new world of love and friendship. My blog baby is outanabout.com


    1. Beautiful… what a wonderful reason to blog. It is true that sometimes we are confused with our own feelings.. expressing them through blogging must be a self satisfactory… Thanks for participating my dear….

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  8. I blog because it allows me to express my innermost feelings. Its the best way i can express my thoughts. I only recently began saying my thoughts out loud, which is hard for me. Now blogging on WordPress is another thing entirely, it feels like love. The community is amazing.😍 I blog here:
    https://blog.mariajob.me, off to explore other sites listed here.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fascinating… to be able to express ourselves can really give us happiness… I am glad you are able to find a way to bring your thoughts to the world… all the best my dear… and thanks participating..

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  9. I blog to share my ideas, my beliefs and it is a platform where I can speak out freely irrespective of people judging me or not, which generally doesn’t happens around us (The judging part) It’s more than 6 months since I am here and I have found great people, good friends who are way better than people mostly found around us.. they appreciate our work, respect us in all ways, provide full motivation when we are in blue etc.. It’s a great stress buster too and yes we enrich our knowledge by reading and sharing. 🙂

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    1. Great going Divya… I am glad that you have got support from this blogging community.. that should be our ultimate goal to grow and rise together. You are right in saying that people do not judge you here and are very open to all ideas.. we can express our thoughts and experiences and learn a lot from others at the same time. All the very best and loads of fun and happiness your way.. Cheers!

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  10. I am still falling for blogging, we are in the infancy of our relationship and some days I’m enthralled and others it just pisses me off. But I’m drawn to it, because I love storytelling. Something therapeutic to me about putting words on a page and building my imagination in a story that someone can read. Blogging makes it possible to tell a story in many various ways and jump around parts of it.

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    1. How beautiful Jessi… it is indeed the best way to write stories.. I am glad you find blogging helpful.. I guess we all have our days when we are just not up to it but then inn the end it is like our child and we need to nurture it, no matter what.. cheers

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    1. What a wonderful way to express your love for your blog Harshita… I am glad that are feeling happy being a blogger and a part of this strong community… Way to go and thanks a lot for your participation..

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  11. I originally wanted to make money by being an affiliate, but I haven’t had any sales. But I also like to connect with people about books, poems, and other things. I have thought about quitting but haven’t yet.But I might take a break from it, though.

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