Alive yet Dead

Alive yet Dead

Hello Everyone!!

For those who know me, I have been missing for almost a year now! Life indeed makes us learn a lot through the good and bad times that are being served through the journey..

My lesson from my absence is that nothing is forever! We write, we entertain, we touch many lives, we spread emotions and happiness, we share joys and tears, we support in the times of need…. yet, when we are gone, we are gone! We are missed for days, months at times.. and then we are dead.. Dead in the memory, dead in thoughts, dead in the routine..

It is such an awkward feeling to be alive and still be dead. And at the same time, it is enthusiastic to dead and trying again to come back to life. To come back to Writing!

Thanks for accepting me always!





Praised the Darkness

Praised the Darkness

as I praised the darkness

the light shone upon my soul

as I praised the clouds

the rain cleansed my thoughts

as I praised a mother

her children started to follow me

as I praised the weak

they revealed the warrior in them

as I praised the wind

it became soothing against my skin

as I praised the ocean

it gulped all my sins

as I praised the almighty

I saw the path to selflessness

and as I praised my love

we became one soul

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