my Writings – my Life

my Writings – my Life

illusions, imaginations

provocative, silly sometimes

my writings

they are musings of a broken heart

painfully beautiful

evolved from relations

from a daughter, from a mother

a lover’s fascinations

my writings

they are perceptions

of a person aspiring

notions of a heart inspiring

dull at times, sometimes divine

my writings

they smile, they cry and bleed

hoping high for readers to pay heed

my writings – my life

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Ten year old writes – (My Shadow My Companion) by Radha

Ten year old writes – (My Shadow My Companion) by Radha

it stays with me all the time

I can see it sometimes,

it sometimes fades

sometimes beside me,

sometimes in front of me,

sometimes it’s at my back

looks like me,

moves like me,

it’s like me looking in the mirror

the only difference is that,

its black and of no other color

it’s like my friend,

it’s like my assistant,

it’s my shadow,

my shadow-my companion


image source

He packed me a Smile

He packed me a Smile

last evening i stepped out of my house

through the narrow streets, into a busy local market

to satisfy my craving for an Indian Chinese treat

the hustle bustle of people

carrying shopping bags crossing the bazaar 

vendors calling out for customers

took me a little close to my childhood

there i found this sweet boy

selling dumplings for a price unbelievable

packed me 10 pieces for less than half a dollar

i couldn’t help but to observe him as he was packing

along with my dinner, he packed me a smile

as i paid him and started to walk back home

i turned to see him a few times

each time to see him smiling

for every customer, packing a smile