his silence – i waited

his silence – i waited


his silence continued….

made me wait for long
i had nothing but hope
as he failed me….
but so
it couldn’t be forever
my soul craved for life
i moved on….

there! i see him again
on his knees
with a face, sure was sorry

i couldn’t do much about
it was over….
my wait – back long

image source : google

Child is the King

Child is the King

hungry  for power, seeking fame

everywhere with everyone

isn’t it the same game

those who got plenty, get to learn

the secret, to our existence

and hence, they begin their search

to happiness, to contentment

to learn and to relish

the simple joys of life

in the end

they all begin to realize

the one who has it all

inside us, hiding, sleeping

as we shake ourselves

to wake her up

it is the child in us who holds the key

to happiness within & around to see

it is she who holds the power eternal

none of the presidents, no politicians

not you, not me

it is only the child

who is the King

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hope in pain keeps me alive

hope in pain keeps me alive


a butterfly curious
asked the flower
o my dear, would you tell me
does it hurt
to give away your nectar
does it hurt
when I fly away from you

the flower blushed, replied
o my pretty lady
my colors glow
when you touch me
i am sweeter
when you taste my nectar

you flying away makes me dream
leaves me a hope
that you shall come back
that you will touch me again

my dark side

my dark side

darkness of the night
lit my mind
made me realize
things about me
there are a few
confessions to be made
there is also
a dark side to me

my dark side has my sadness
my sadness leads to anger
my anger gives a boost
disgust then grows stronger

the pain is too much to handle
when my fears show up
with a need to go beyond the dark
i tell myself to grow up

the brighter side in me then
enlightens my way
i choose to start afresh
with the shining light of the day

he said

he said


he said

don’t talk
she never uttered a word

he said

don’t expect
she never asked him a thing

he said

don’t follow
she never took another step


he said

don’t love
& she broke
into a million pieces

celebrate tears

celebrate tears

Yes I cry , sometimes I do

it sure

doesn’t make me weak

yes I cry, from happiness too


I need a break

these tears

give me the power

to flush my sorrows, hatred & pain

I forgive, forget, gather back myself

start to walk

my path again

my fear – through the path of life

my fear – through the path of life


the path of life
has made me worth
has made me wise
falls were many
scarce was delight
at times it got too much
was just about to give up
in that moment
I gave myself an advice
there’s no fun in failing
so I stood up to fight
my biggest fall ever
made me rise
rise enough
to reach new heights
for there’s one thing
I left behind forever
my fear

I am in Love

I am in Love


my heart a little drunk
soul flying high
with no reason I smile
guess I’m in love

pretty as you are
my words fail to admire
for if I do the way proper
you will learn

with you I’m in love

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the more of you in me

the more of you in me

the more I see you
the more I need you

the more I need you
the more I want you

the more I want you
the more I need to hold you

hold you in my arms
hold you in my breath
hold you in my eyes
hold you in my thoughts
hold you in my dreams
hold you in my desire

the more I hold you
the more I fall
in love with you


image source : google

two souls

two souls

two souls
lying hand in hand
under the sky
stars twinkle above
melting them
in glitter

two souls
at the adventure hidden
that future holds
in store

two souls
to imagine
their lives
as it may come
as charming as
the sky above

when no one believed in me – I did

when no one believed in me – I did

when my loneliness came to me

as i called for it

my loneliness came to me

i was speechless


hugged it

together we both cried

felt lonely again

o my loneliness – come to me!

o my loneliness – come to me!

o my loneliness

come to me

i shall caress

i shall hold

will never let you

be lonely


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tears – my friends for life

every single time
when i was alone in life
i wasn’t really alone
my tears gave me company
never invited
they showed up on their own
every time they told me
they loved my beautiful eyes
just kept falling selflessly
till my sadness said goodbye
they made me weak
they made me strong
undoubtedly my tears
are my best friends
and they shall remain
all my life long

I am not Worth for I got no fame

I got that eye – I imagine, visualize

I am an artist – I create, i write

I know no boundaries

I sweat blood – spend hours to decide

I travel to the moon and sun

every second, I am on the run

my words have pain overflowing in them

merriment too is never away from my poems

I aspire to inspire a few lives

I have faith, hope never left my side

yet they tell me over and again

why do they tell me so, I fail to understand

I am not worth it for I got no fame


I got no fame

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that moment

that moment

the way he looked into her eyes

i knew he made his choice

to choose her over me

that moment

when he let me loose

i knew he will hold her close

he was going to set me free

that moment

in all those moments to come

i saw them dancing

laughing together

and i silently whispered

to my wounded heart

to forgive him

to stop bleeding







juggling in my mind

going up

coming down


i am screwed

do i laugh

do i cry

on my powerlessness

to decide

should i tell him

or continue to hide


juggling in my mind!!


devil’s secret

devil’s secret

in the silence of the night

shadows emerged

dancing and screaming

the bats woke up from their nightmares

the wind got mustier with every blow

the naked devils were all lined up

the cups in their hands smelled of blood

in the middle of the woods

the red flower emerged

all of them gathered around the fire

the only music was the howl of the wolves

the scarred face moon

watched in silence

as an angel passing by

called for the dawn

in the blink of an eye

the moist evil was seen evaporated

the strained sun inhaled the ashes

shadows were gone

and so were the devil

Dogs are Loyal – Cats are Royal

Dogs are Loyal – Cats are Royal


cats or dogs

someone once, asked me to choose

well..  the question, was kind of heavy

i spent hours, thinking

couldn’t choose one

as i look at them and praise the beauty

they both hold

to me – both are precious


if the dogs are loyal

the cats are royal

walking in the woods – poem

walking in the woods – poem

walking in the woods
listening to the silence
seeing the unseen
singing the unsung
smiling the pain
weeping the pleasure
holding the untouched
consuming the power
defeating the invincible
I have seen
the light of the darkness
I have realized
I forgot to live
I have learnt
to begin the end

I need a Warm Hug :)

I need a Warm Hug :)

Today, I just wish to close my eyes

I want peace, I need a little warmth

A moment of mine when I feel blessed

Just a little bit of shine of my share

I just need to be embraced

I need a warm hug

Tell me my dear

Could you hold me against your chest!

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Gone Forever

Gone Forever

i am certain

they shall miss me

when i am gone forever

what pains me is

they never valued me alive

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i am a poem

words, just a few words
simple, no tough
mesmerising, describing
worthwhile, purposeful

words of enlightenment
words of wisdom
with wings reaching high
shining like sun

sometimes intense
at time easy
read through me
breathe my beauty

with purpose, with passion
imbibe me
I am – a POEM

the window

the window

what it told me in the night

i shall not let you see outside

o dear mysestina

search for the answers within

and so i followed…


the window changed its stand

when it was day, bright and grand

look out my dear through the world

enough of searching within

now its time

for a perspective

broader than your own self








i looked out

of my bedroom window

just like that

i sat there in silence


my mind vacant

my eyes staring

at the same spot

suddenly i saw

the leaves dancing

to the tunes of the wind

i realized

the leisure break was over

imagination poured in

and there

i discovered myself

with a pen in my hand…




the glass in my hand

there i do it again

what i told me I wouldn’t million times
last time
i promised be the last
when i touched  this glass of wine

no i feel no shame
here i hold the damn glass again
for with the shining glass in my hand
fade away my shades of pain

pain that brings me
to the world real
in which, you are no more
its just me that’s left
grieved, heartsore

am i a mother any less?


privileges, i got none

deprived of life

scarcity, my only bid

my face not flawless

the scent of my body

disturbing, unpleasant

in the name of luxury

i only have my lap to offer

in the name of cuisines

i got bread tasteless

i am his comfort car

in my arms

i take him places

every night

as i watch him sleeping

i ask myself

for my offerings meagre

the fact that i am poor

am i a mother any less?





i inspire me

i inspire me

let the sun, burn my skin
let the nights be long
let the wind blow against my face
i decide to grow strong

let all the odds just hit on me
let me just have a fall
i’ll gather back all my strength
to stand up right and tall

i start my journey
to climb the mountain
at a slow and steady pace
will reach the top, the day will come
in my hands will i have my fate

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have i got lazy – or they stopped reading

have i got lazy

or they stopped reading

guess its best

not to look for the answer!


winters approaching & when they do!!


strained, through the net
of my bedroom window
the sun, now gentle and warm

breeze in the morning
getting colder
with each passing day

zeal in the air
embracing festivity
with arms wide open

exotic berries
peaches, grapes
soon to be relished

my mug of coffee
getting warm a little early
as I’m lost in my thoughts

imagining the beauty
of the Winters approaching

Back in Time – A Poem

ppvoices coming
from the far end
calling over my name
come with us
give us your hand
let’s just play a game

through the telescope
of my heart
I looked
for the strangers calling
realizing who they were
my tears started falling

with a bunch of kids
It was me
on my face
there was a gentle smile
calling myself to ME
a little back in time

wish I could go
back to myself
wish I could relive
those simple
yet precious

pleasures of life