

just one thing i wanna say

desperate to assure you

i will be waiting right here

in case you change your mind

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last night together

last night together

embraced in his arms

skin to skin, mouth to mouth

she couldn’t whisper

for the kiss was slow and long

he could see through her closed eyes

her sensual imaginations

feel her pulsing heart

moaning in pleasure

unaware of his secret

this time, he thought

must he, give his best

for it was the last night together

tomorrow, he shall leave

to return, never

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deafening sound of silence

deafening sound of silence

deafening sound of the silence

on the other side of the phone

only to confirm

the departure of laughter

mugs of coffee with chocolate muffins

hand holdings and long walks

kisses in movie theaters

deafening sound of the silence

announcing loudly of the loneliness to follow

only him lying on the bed


her soft body vanishing

escaping his touch, refusing to be caressed

his senses loosing capacity

to hear any kind of music

for he is deafened now

by deafening sound of the silence

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the day never arrived

the day never arrived

I was aware, yet I chose to lie to my heart

two things for me to win his affection

were either love or blood

I had none

neither he shared his blood with me

nor he ever fell in love with me

I craved for him to be mine

not just with the body but his soul

the day never arrived

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his choice

his choice

saying piercing painful words

making an argument not valid

displeasure filled his eyes

as he woke up to leave

to walk out of the door

leaving her heartbroken

tears running down her cheeks

she was desperate to run behind

catch hold of his hand

not let him walk out of the wooden door

how convinced was her heart

he will never return once gone

for he didn’t believe in a pretty heart


he chose to fall for a pretty face

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it was getting burdensome for him

i felt him running away from me

it was tough, i was anxious, in pain

ignored, my messages not being responded

excuses and lies, everyday i faced

and then he simplified things that day

he said goodbye

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when u loved me.. when u deceived me

when u loved me.. when u deceived me

when you loved me

you reached till this heart of mine

you deceiving me

empowered your reach

to every bit of me

all of me

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music of his kind

as i entrusted him

with the guitar of my heart

as i entrusted him

to play the flute of my emotions

he ended up playing

the music of his kind

it was the music he only liked

on which i ended up dancing

all my life


i went ahead…

i went ahead…

they told me not to

informed me of the consequences

my well wishers pulled me back desperately

in hope of saving me from what was to come

yet i went ahead as i wanted to rise

instead, i fell in love

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serve me pain

serve me pain

serve me pain, serve me sorrow

torturing wind as it blows

injects a little immortality in me

nothing you shall gain

for my limits to consume pain

are beyond eternity

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