saying piercing painful words

making an argument not valid

displeasure filled his eyes

as he woke up to leave

to walk out of the door

leaving her heartbroken

tears running down her cheeks

she was desperate to run behind

catch hold of his hand

not let him walk out of the wooden door

how convinced was her heart

he will never return once gone

for he didn’t believe in a pretty heart


he chose to fall for a pretty face

image source

10 thoughts on “his choice

  1. Very touching. Once again I could feel the emotions! I’ve come to know your writing style. When I see a post I can read it and I know if it’s yours or not. I like that very much. You definitely speak to my heart in some special way. I find it so easy to connect to what you write. I must say, I think you are my favorite blogger that I’ve come across! One of your biggest fans!

    ~Sarah Katherine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. O sweetheart, thanks for your kind words.. You truly are inspirational. It gives great pleasure to read your posts too!! That’s how we both could connect so well.. It’s just amazing to have vibes travel from one end of the world to the other to connect two like minded people… loads of love

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re very deserving of kind words. It is amazing that simple words can connect people so far apart! Words are magical. More so when in the right person’s hand.

    Oh I am tired now, lol. I will say goodnight. Take care! I’ll be waiting for your next post!

    ~Sarah Katherine

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Stage centered, propped for the audience to see, a reenactment of human shortcomings. Everyday occurrence. A failing yet not recognized as such due to values differing and weighed upon different scales. Resulting in prevailing heartbreaks. Good work. Always sneaking up on us. But nonetheless bringing the proverbial punch. What can I wish for you seeing as that you are so good at what you do.
    Have a nice day.

    Liked by 1 person

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