when Music was Born

when Music was Born

drums, beaten vigorously with the sticks

strings of guitar, mercilessly squeezed and pulled

saxophone saturated, overflowed with air in its lungs

keys of piano, wept the pressure of pianist’s fingers

harmonica, went almost out of breath

cymbal, going deaf with unstopping collision

accordion, blown up to the extent of explosion

synthesizer, mourned to keep up the pace

chimes, yearned for wind not to blow anymore

songster, with his closed eyes

went nearly blind for the depth of the song

I was there, I witnessed that moment

when MUSIC was born

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I started listening to my own self

I started listening to my own self

they decided not to listen to me

ignored my presence cruelly

I was told

I wasn’t worthy of any attention

must I say, it was a setback

brought me the days blue

many nights unusually dark

but, was I to stay so forever?

the good in me introduced me to hope

about them, I didn’t care anymore

amazingly I started to develop feathers

my aspirations gradually turned them to wings

I took my time to learn to fly

THEY were furious to see me in the sky

yet, they could do me no harm then

for I wasn’t wanting them to be my audience

I followed the path that made me believe in me

I followed the hope that gave me beauty

today, as I stood to make my speech

all of them gathered to give me honor

it didn’t matter anymore if anyone would listen

I had discovered a way much better

I started listening to my own self

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my failures Challenged !

my failures Challenged !

Life is full of challenges. Many of us go through hardships in life at some point. The urge to be heard and to have company in times of struggle is only human.

In times of trying, many of us have our own moments of failures in life. And! are we shy to share them?

Everyone’s favorite are the success stories. Why not come out with a few falls behind them. Let’s share every defeat, each failure that we may have faced in our lives. Let every fall be the beginning of a fresh effort.

Come, share your story with us and let’s hear what others have in store!

Remember, your story may teach a lesson to someone in need.