for everyone who blogs…

for everyone who blogs…

My Dear fellow bloggers,

Please take some time out to read this message. Today, I want to take the opportunity to tell you how special you all are. In fact, how special we all are. We have the capacity to convert words and pictures into art. We have the capacity to bring up the issues concerning the world. We have the capacity to rise and to make rise, to make emotions felt, to make pictures talk.

We have created this world of blogging in a bigger world (much thanks to Mr. WordPress) and the amazing thing is everyone is welcome. To contribute, to share, to inspire, to discuss, to challenge.

Many thanks to all my friends here for investing your time and effort and making this a huge success.

After all, we are souls worthy of art.

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a letter to God

a letter to God

O Dear God!

You saw me fighting and being challenged by the storm of life. You gave me strength at each step to go ahead. You enlightened my path when it was dark. You spoke to me and listened to me patiently. You held my hand and helped me walk when I couldn’t stand.

I am your child and I am blessed to have your love showered on me. You have done so much for me at every step of my life. Today, it’s my turn to thank you and I want to do that by promising you something – that I shall never give up in life. I will fight and win. I will challenge my challenges back and I shall never let you down. 

your child

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Teachings of a Stray Dog

Teachings of a Stray Dog

The stray dog who lives on the street outside my house. We call him Bhurelal. Yes, that’s his name.He came here about 4 years back if I remember correctly. Me, both my girls and my husband are very fond of him. He has become very comfortable with us.

I must admit that he has taught me many things and I am sharing one of his teachings today.

Over these past few years, I have been giving him food, but not on a regular basis. There are times, when there is not enough milk or chicken in my refrigerator. I have seen that on any day when I don’t offer him anything, he sits outside the gate and waits patiently and then leaves to find food somewhere else (no barking complaints).

He appreciates whatever little I do for him but at the same time, I have never seen him being upset or angry, if I don’t offer him any food. He would see me in the morning and wag his tail with the same enthusiasm as any other day, without making me realize that I didn’t feed him last night. This is such a great gesture.

It makes me realize that as a human, I tend to get upset over things if my expectations are not fulfilled, which is very unlike how Bhurelal reacts or behaves. Like him, should I not learn to appreciate what people do for me, rather than crying over what they don’t?

It is going to be challenging but I am going to try my best to practice the teachings of my dear stray dog Bhurelal. I am sure, he has many more lessons in store!!