My Blog is my Baby! That’s how we all feel. Isn’t it!

We are in love with our blogs, it is something we are so close to, dearly in love with. We care for our blogs the way we care for our child. And that’s why we choose to do the following:

  • We nurture it with our thoughtful posts.
  • We want to give it time to grow and learn from others.
  • We want to take our blog to the next level and finally to heights just like we would aspire for our child to grow and be successful.

There is an enormous amount of time, effort and research that’s put to build a blog. It’s true! It requires a lot of patience too. We compromise on our sleep sometimes to think or to write about something close to our hearts. Work on it sometimes, till our back starts to ache! Changed the sitting position to ease our body a little and still we didn’t stop staring at the screen. That’s the reality!!

Well, the blog too has something in store for us.

In return, it takes care of each one of us. It gives the us the pleasure of speaking our heart, it gives us all an opportunity to make ourselves heard, it gives us the satisfaction of being someone who is not lost, someone recognized, with an identity.

Together, we share the moments of success and low times. We inspire and console each other at the same time. We walk hand in hand.

That’s give and take and it builds a beautiful relationship between our blogs and us. I am sure each one of us would like to say one thing:-

“My blog is powerful and it has made ME so too”

Cheers to Blogging!!

image source

60 thoughts on “My Blog is my Baby – Do you feel so?

  1. My blog is like my child, it doesn’t do quite what I want. It changes what I say, it talks to other people, it loves it’s Daddy, and its messier than I would like. But I love it, and I take care of it, and like my kids its introduced me to a lot of really nice people. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  2. My blog seems to have a very independent mind of its own. I nourish it, provide it with a solid social environment, and provide it with encouragement as needed. Just like my babies have blessed me through the years, I am the one that learns the most.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Such a beautiful thing to say my dear. We teach our children and we learn from them as well. It is surely a great relationship and we do so with our blogs too. How we just fall in love with our passion and make sure to make it reach the best level always.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. a blog really is special, not just to the reader, but to ourselves like you said. everyone now has a voice and can create work that gets read and re shared by dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people thanks to a blog. but it only does this if we treat our blog as if it is our baby, nice post. love these blog related post of yours:))

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I love this and it resonates with me. I started writing my blog when my mother was dying, it was my confident and could hold and manage my emotions in a way I couldn’t. I’ve had breaks but each time I return it picks me up. I don’t think I’m going away again, my blog is like my adopted child, friend, therapist……..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dearest Liza, you are a beautiful soul. I am really sorry to learn about your mother but at the same time I am glad to learn that you were strong enough to take the pain and your wonderful blog helped you with the same. It is indeed something really dear to us. I must say for me, it’s the best thing to happen to me in the past few days. All the best with your journey and please know that I support you always… Cheers my love

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes my blog is my baby I do agree…..

    Agree….. here…t oo…. There is an enormous amount of time, effort and research that’s put to build a blog. It’s true! It requires a lot of patience too. We compromise on our sleep sometimes to think or to write about something close to our hearts. Work on it sometimes, till our back starts to ache! Changed the sitting position to ease our body a little and still we didn’t stop staring at the screen. That’s the reality!!

    But the thing is I can’t compromise sleep now , I have to find a better way of balancing all the activities of life with blogging.

    Great post

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am glad you could relate.. And you are very right in saying that there has to be a balance here. Initially, things could be demanding but as we start to flow with our blog, it becomes our buddy… helping us in each possible way… Thanks a lot for sharing your views my dear… You are amazing!

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes. I spend way too much time on my blog. It’s fun, exciting, mentally stimulating. I love the interaction here. I can’t get enough!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes its our baby 🙂 But i want to share that sometimes i just write whatever i feel like without going into deep depths or research (I wrote a post telling that i have headache 🙂 ) because we just want to share our thoughts sometimes irrespective of whether its useful for others or not 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. We did. Daughter #1 and hubby and Chota Sahib came for lunch on Saturday. A lovely time. Baby is “singing” all the time. 4 months old. A happy baby. Have a lovely week, Ma’amji.


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