Devil’s Secret

Devil’s Secret

in the silence of the night

shadows emerged

dancing and screaming

the bats woke up from their nightmares

the wind got mustier with every blow

the naked devils were all lined up

the cups in their hands smelled of blood

in the middle of the woods

the red flower emerged

all of them gathered around the fire

the only music was the howl of the wolves

the scarred face moon

watched in silence

as an angel passing by

called for the dawn

in the blink of an eye

the moist evil was seen evaporated

the strained sun inhaled the ashes

shadows were gone

and so were the devil

Perfection revealing Imperfection

Perfection revealing Imperfection

she smiled

to hide her agony

her eyes betrayed her

tears emerged

in her deep dark eyes

telling the story loud

like always

they never fail

to announce her pain

Oh, she is fed up

being played by her own eyes

how they have achieved perfection 

declaring HER to be imperfect

to be able to pretend

even a smile

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Game of Greed

Game of Greed

lives fragmentary, broken

chasing greed, thriving for more

possessions irrelevant

competing to possess more.. more

naive to perceive, foolish to register

the merriment to be relished

hidden in tiny little things

goals as soon as achieved, newer set

no hours assigned to celebrate achievements

lives fragmentary becoming now hollow

beauty lost in the game of greed

leading lives to nothingness

making them empty

lives lifeless ultimately

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O my loneliness, come to me

O my loneliness, come to me

o my loneliness

come to me

i shall caress

i shall hold

will never let you

be lonely


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I woke up with Wings

I woke up with Wings

that morning as i woke up

i had wings like a fairy

white and flawless

someone whispered to me in my ears

her voice soft and mesmerizing

my eyes were still puffy from the sleep

as i rubbed them i tried to see

couldn’t see anything but a light so bright

made me feel like a feather, oh so light

the voice told me “you got it my love”

i bless you with wings, now fly like a dove

i assign you the task to spread divinity

go ahead – be an angel

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Make Me Pure

Make Me Pure

hold me close so i melt in your arms

hold me close so i breathe your scent

hold me close so there’s no air between us

hold me close so i let loose my worries

hold me close so i sleep in peace

hold me close so i hear your heart beat

hold me close so you could hear mine

hold me close so i could kiss you anytime

hold me close so i make your soul mine

hold me close for when you do

you make me pure…. you make me pure

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My Merciless Heart

My Merciless Heart

i curse my heart

to grant access to agony

to let it proceed through its valves

to travel to every bit of my body

like blood

i curse my heart

to challenge

the strength of my brain

to keep me safe from pain

oh this heart…. it has no mercy for me…

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the way YOU belong to ME

the way YOU belong to ME

it’s exceptional
the way
you belong to me

your touch
I sense
your fragrance
I imbibe
your dreams
I perceive
your tears
I cry

your pleasure
pleasures me

could I ever be
without you
or you without me

yes, it is exceptional
the way
you belong to me

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