forever Reckless

forever Reckless

often these eyes

have shed many tears

careless heart

is the culprit

vulnerable yet stubborn

it refuses any discussions

snatches the permit from brain

to take any decisions

charming yet silly

this heart

ends up breaking itself

never learning

from its mistakes

forever reckless, this heart


that’s the beauty of it!

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Poor seem Rich to me

Poor seem Rich to me

the poor is not poor anymore

he has aspirations rich

he looks up to the sky everyday

he thanks God for what little he has

the poor is not really poor

his children now go to school

shining eyes filled with dreams

strong will to create a future

the poor truly is not poor

for he is kind and generous

it pains him if they are in pain

his readiness to be of any help

the poor sometimes seems rich to me

his eyes have no sign of greed

while he is growing every moment

he makes merry of his little wealth

the poor for sure is rich now

celebrating life as it comes

grasping the trueness of our existence

keep trying & to never give up

squeezing happiness from tiny little things

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I get to Live my Dream

I get to Live my Dream

as I take the flight of imagination

million musings with bright colors

sway loose, dance in my mind

making rainbow of beautiful poems

containing all possible emotions

as they put me to work

I hold a quill, fuel it with ink

ready with the paper of my heart

to be carved with gold

each time I decorate it with words glorious

I get to live my dream

I get to live, my dream of writing

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what You’ve done to Me

what You’ve done to Me

i wonder why

i feel light like a feather

i feel the light in my heart

don’t need a reason to smile

i am beautiful from the inside

i glow like shining gold

i shimmer like a gleaming diamond

the scent of my body fragrant without any flowers

my eyes shine with zeal

don’t need any wings to fly

i am no more what i were

o dear is this your love

what you’ve done to me

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Walking in the Woods

Walking in the Woods

walking, in the woods
listening to the silence
seeing the unseen
singing the unsung
smiling the pain
weeping the pleasure
holding the untouched
consuming the power
defeating the invincible
I have seen
the light of the darkness
I have realized
I forgot to live
I have learnt
to begin the end

A Saga Sensual

A Saga Sensual

its not only the moon and the stars

not only the sun and its rays

its not only the ocean and its waves

not only this wind and the waterfalls

its not just the woods and the rivers

not just the colors of the rainbow

today i tell you my love, its not just them

not only just them, who hold the stick of magic

their saga is old, the world knows it all

today in this moment

it’s YOU and ME

as we make love to each other

we write a Saga Sensual

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Gender Equality? Who am I fooling!

Gender Equality? Who am I fooling!

Yes, I fool myself. Many times. You know when?

Every time, I tell myself women are equal to men. Equal rights, no salary discrimination, same education blah blah !! Who am I fooling? Am I not that smart to understand! Yes, I am, but not in their eyes. Sigh!!

It all starts at home. For many women in many countries around the world, they shall never get what they deserve. They shall never be treated even close to the kind of treatment men would get.

SHE is a she, so she will only cook,

SHE is a she, so she will only clean,

SHE is a she, she is born to do the laundry,

SHE is a she, so only she will take care of the babies

while her husband will peacefully sit and sip on his coffee

(Coffee that SHE prepared for him) and the list for SHE never ends

She is considered to be not so smart (not enough as HIM). I fail to understand WHY!!

And the journey once started at home, continues to spread it’s effects on life outside the four walls. Here, she will be considered not working as hard as men, she will be scanned for her clothes everyday at work. She will be expected to create trouble for the employers after marriage, because she could get pregnant anytime and blah blah!!

Although, there may be changes coming, yet I can only and only dream a world where men and women both are considered HUMANS.. only then they shall be treated EQUAL.

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The Mountain

wanna be

like a mountain
that takes pride to stand tall

be it lava or snow
it can take every blow

gives birth to the rivers
making life to flow

fresh, real, untouched
a home for the nature to glow

can I be like that mountain ever
the way its strong
the way its giving
the way its pure

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The Prostitute

The Prostitute

still a child she was, no more than eight or nine

eyes filled with dreams, with an urge to fly

meagre means, harsh life

still, there was comfort of parents around

there came a day that brought the storm

separated by her parents, into the hands of human traffickers

a nightmare, she was to see with her open eyes

forced into the trade of sex for the rest of her life

now the world knows that child as a prostitute

a prostitute to serve many monsters a day

one after the other they assaulted her will

with no shame to cause her excruciating pain

slowly her tears had started to dry

she had to be bold, learned not to cry

she yearned for a family and a husband every moment

knowing all her wishes were in vain

she bore a child at the age of 16

still at work with her baby crying in the adjacent room

for she now had a mouth to be fed too

and they would’t let her escape this hell

she was no daughter, no sister, now wife to no one

still a human, a mother she was

no words could ever describe her sufferings

if only there was someone to take her out of the dark

the society looks down at her in a manner ridiculous

will they realize ever

she was thrown into this disgusting pit

her eyes incapable to see no dreams no more

now she is termed as a prostitute (a bitch)

and yes,

she was forced to become one

it was never her choice

my heart goes out for the sufferings of all the victims of human trafficking and sex trade

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