I am looking at the stats of my fellow bloggers. The numbers obviously are way much better than mine. I ask myself, why do I not have such great numbers. Why do my posts don’t get as many likes as other’s posts get. I even do a bit of a research on their blog.

Thinking of the same, I could feel in 2 possible ways :-

  1. Inspired
  2. Jealous

If I choose option 1, I could feel inspired to achieve the same for my blog. This is a healthy approach. It would help my blog to grow without a doubt. I will try to learn the strategy and the pattern looking at other’s blogs. I will try to incorporate things that I see them doing and work towards my numbers to boom up.

Option 2, will surely take me nowhere. Rather than trying to rise myself, I will try to find out ways to put other’s blog down. I could do anything depending upon my capabilities, but it surely will have a negative impact on my blog too. I will start to waste my time rather than utilizing it for a better purpose.

So, my dear friends, the choice is ours. To feel Inspired or being Jealous.

Let us all choose the healthy option to achieve more in life and to help others at the same time.


image source

63 thoughts on “Feeling Inspired or Jealous of other Bloggers!

  1. if you only wrote one post a day, and spent the hours you normally spent writing on building and strengthening your community, don’t you think that would help your blog grow faster? you write a lot of post each day, you can’t expect people to read every one of those posts?

    I don’t know if you heard of seth godin, but he is one of the most followed blogs in the world. he talked about how he used to write 5 posts a day, but eventually he said that didn’t work because writing more for the sake of writing more wasn’t providing any value to him or to the reader so now he only writes one post a day.

    I’m asking because you talked about learning from other successful bloggers and copying them. You do better than I do, so I’m asking because I try to learn from you. great post though:)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well, you never fail to bring the insights to me. You get me thinking… I must say I am still learning and that never stops for me. So, let me see how I could use this information to my advantage. Thanks a lot Vincent.. You always bring the best on table..

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t know I just never really understood bloggers who write more than once a day so I was curious why it is you do?

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Dear Vincent! I just write as and when things come to my mind. Numbers may or may not work for all of us. Everyone has a different perspective with respect to how they want to achieve what they meant to. I think nothing is less or more maybe.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. that’s fair. some people write to build a big audience. some write because they love to write. and others write for both reasons. I guess it does depend what your end goal is

        Liked by 2 people

  2. The way I see it is, the followers you have are the people who will try and read your work. I don’t think the quantity matters, only the fact that you still do your best to write and put in to the community. Fans come with time after all, says the person with 88 followers that were gained over 8 months…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Kim, I guess you may be right in saying so. The quality surely matters and quantity may or may not matter. There must be bloggers who feel same or even otherwise. All we need to see is how your followers respond and if quantity helps and if you can deliver, there could be nothing like it. I just shared my perspective and experience in the post and it may not be true for others. I really appreciate your time to read my posts my dear and to give me your valuable feedback. All the best!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bloggers blog for a hundred thousand different reasons, as far as I can see it. Otherwise, why blog? I don’t know why or how you bother with stats, though. I do enjoy your blogs, even though I don’t ‘like’ or comment on all of them. As for the ‘community’ aspect, well, that’s upto the individual, too. I don’t need a group hug every day but some people do. Inspiration, I often find by reading other people’s blogs in Reader and that’s why I try to read as many as I can. Maybe I should get on this case more but I’m a writer and that is the main focus of my activities. There are some great writers out there, blogging. Some write once a week, others write every day. It’s hard to keep up with them and find new ones, but I try.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are right in saying that everyone blogs with a certain reason in mind. There are bloggers who are concerned about the stats and some are not. It is an individual choice and both are respectful. As far as inspiration is concerned, I am a person who may fall in the category of group hug seekers. You have a different reason to feel inspired (reading) as you mentioned. We are all unique in our own ways and I am sure we are all doing the right thing.. Thanks a lot for reading my posts Dermott.. appreciate your support.. again, it inspires me.

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  4. i find that if i post a long post-it i will only get the comments frum the ones that truly take the time to read em…The short quicky postits with one pic,,i might get 100 likes for an the long article i might get 10 an same goes with views page views verses likes…some folks never go farther than the reader an so if ya got long posts they nevr even click over to the blog but they click like lol.so is a living dichotomy sumtimes…sumtimes i will get like 20 likes an 2 page views whats thet ell ya? well they don’t go farther than thier reader….some people jest go round clicking like on evrything they see, an that well, bothers me also…cuz how can they like something if they havent even read the article..an i can tell, sumtimes i get super bummed.cuz evryone clicked like on a video i posted, but i only got like 3 people to watch it..so watz up wit dat i wunder also..one thing for sure though after a bit of time u figure out who out of ur 1000 followers really read ur stuff!…an who jest clicks like for da flock opf it all…Happy bloggin 2 ya…keep on keepin on.an yeah i miss a lot of ur posts its cuz i view most of my people through the reader an i am not always on line!…an i follow about 500 plus people so lotsa times thier post-its get buried in days of future passed till i come round to read a bunch of em cuz i realize i had missed a few days werth an like thier stuff so should go visit them is why a slew of likes will land the same day on sopmeones page i havent been to in a while….hope dat help a tiny bit.till laters take care Q

    Liked by 1 person

    1. there are many reasons why people read and don’t read your posts till the end. We can not expect all followers to be faithful to us. I guess we must leave it to their choice how and why they would want to finish reading the posts. Sometimes, people like your posts without reading them completely just to show that they support you even if they could not find the time. I believe that we must work our way and choose how and why to follow others. Every individual must be free to blog the way they want to. We anyway cant not control anyone else but ourselves.. Cheers!


  5. Haha just few seconds back I commented in a blog, he has 789 likes for a single post for me it takes nearly 15days :O just imagine!! 101% I’m jealous and 200% I’m curious 😀 😀 How is thaaaaaaaaaaaaattt :O :O

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha… that’s kind of honest and genuine… I guess this guy must have spent a lot of time blogging.. it takes an effort and a lot of time as well to reach that level.. I guess the only thing is never to loose hope and keep going. All the best and keep using tricks that you learn from everyone here… All the best..

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Personally I don’t feel there’s any need either to inspire or to jealous.. Many of us bloggers are here to share our writings, few are to be famous and some to have fun. Getting jealous at another’s growth is just so odd.. Inspiring part is okay if you really wanna hit the jackpot ..This isn’t the platform to feel so.. obviously everyone likes numbers.. Hey I just recalled I wrote a poem on Numbers.. Do have a look at it

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I find this is a trifle creepy. First, I rarely look at my stats, second, I wasn’t aware people can look at other people’s stats and third, if they do, it’s a bit like rummaging around in someone else’s underwear drawer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol.. We can’t look into other people’s stats the way we can look at ours. But, the number of followers and the the kind of publicity, the number of likes and comments they get is visible to all. I have been asked this many a times as to how did I get so many likes on a post or what did I do to make people follow my site. This is why, I thought of writing this post. Thank you for reading Dermott.


  8. You can’t actually see other blogger’s stats. Some have a follower count on the sidebar or maybe an overall hit rate, if they chose to share that. You can’t judge daily page views on followers, likes or comments – so many people just scroll through liking everything without even clicking on the post! Same with followers – there are HUGE amounts of bloggers who just follow to get the follow back, then never read any posts. So your assumption here is greatly flawed. If you are trying to encourage fellow bloggers who may be downhearted about their stats, please try not to be quite so naive. I appreciate that you are trying to be inspirational, but applying some facts and intelligence will make your efforts more effective 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My dear friend, thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts here. I have had a number of people coming back asking me, how come you gained followers in less time, people came back telling me that a few of my posts have had so many likes and comments. This made me learn that people do look into other people’s stats the way they can. The exact stats are never visible to them but based upon what they see, they assume things. I understand that there are people who just like the posts without even going through the post, because sometimes, the number of likes on my posts are more than the number of views. Well, it is absolutely their choice and I really can not force them to do otherwise, neither do I want to judge them on that basis. I just meant to make sure that my post has the positive effect on people’s minds. I appreciate your views my dear and I hope that I have also explained my part well. Thanks a lot!


      1. Your explanation is as blase as your original post! Each to their own, I wish you all the very best with your endeavours and no doubt you will continue to inspire with your bewitching prose.


      2. Thanks a lot for your wishes. We can not expect everyone to think alike. A debate is always healthy as it opens the doors to knowledge. I wish you all the best too with your beautiful endeavours with respect to your blog..


  9. Inspired of course. 🙂
    Puzzled some times. One has to realize that some topics draw a lot of traffic yet are not for you.
    After 2 years I pulled out all my stats, copied them to an excell sheet, started to analyze traffic, which posts did better, which did not. Origin of readers… One conclusion to share: post every day. 🙂
    (Which I don’t do, hehe!) Thank you for the reflection Ma’amji.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! Just trying to live. 🙂 Now, believe me at 2 years of blogging i’m in diapers. I still don’t quite know what works or not. All i know is that there are many, many wonderful and talented people out there (present company included) and one gets to live incredible exchanges despite the distance, time zone, culture, what have you. And that too me is priceless. Be good. 😉


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