I am a MIX Unique

I am a MIX Unique

I am a positive person and I love spreading positivity. I try to encourage and inspire myself and people around me through my poems and posts on my blog mySestina. I try to be kind and genuine. Offering my support to people in need gives me pleasure. Doesn’t take much to say a few generous words if they could really make someone feel better!

Having said that, I accept that at times I get angry too. I too have my moments of rage and hatred towards things. I dislike a few things strongly.

Surely, this mix of positive and negative makes me who I am. This makes me unique in all possible ways. It is something very exciting and fascinating for me to think that I am the only one of my kind. I try to be good, but I am bad too sometimes.. so what, I am a human and I am beautiful.

I must say that we must stay inspired by ourselves. It gives us courage and determination to be who we are and helps us through our journey of life.

Do you agree? Share your comments my dear friends!


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the Size of my Dreams

the Size of my Dreams

must I push

my determination

to workout

without any rest


the size

of my dreams

is simply PHENOMENAL


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My Journey to Un-Die

My Journey to Un-Die

you killed me slowly

you made me die

every moment, each second of my life

I couldn’t scream

my voice didn’t help

I was silent all this while 

kept talking to myself

when it got too much

you never would change, I had learnt

you never would stop, making me bleed

to my wounds, you shall never pay heed

I then made my effort to collect myself

I started to sew all pieces of my soul

I wanted to become whole once again

I just wanted to live, my heart realized

must I say it wasn’t easy

I accept, it took me a while

but I had to do it, you left me no choice

it was then my dear, I inspired myself

with all my will, I started

my journey to Undie 


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The Song of FIRE

The Song of FIRE

must we sing the song of the fire

must we bow to the flames rising high

must we not be scared of their glow

must we inhale their luminance dynamic

must we give in our sins to the inferno

must we envision the passion it hides

must we find pleasure in it’s powerful embrace

must we begin to end the peccable

must we start with ourselves today

must we build a heaven for everyone to stay

each living soul on the earth must sing

sing, the song of the fire in union


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Love Blogging to Live it

Love Blogging to Live it

Here is a scenario –

I started to blog a month back. I have been putting in a lot of time and effort into my blog. I have had sleepless nights and my mind is completely occupied all the time thinking about what to write and how make people come to my blog and read my posts.

Even after so much of effort, there don’t seem to be enough visitors and views on my posts! I have been trying to read a lot to improve upon the same. I read tips offered by experienced bloggers and I genuinely follow them too. Still, not much happening.

I guess, I am going to give up now. I don’t know if blogging is for me. I am really unsure and upset and don’t know how to carry on any further.

Do you relate to the above situation? Have you been feeling low because of not receiving a response as per your expectations on your blog?

If the answer is yes, then I must suggest – Do NOT Give Up on Your Blog.

It is sometimes difficult to establish yourself in the world of blogging and if you have bigger dreams to take your blogs to a high level, please keep trying. Few tips are here which may be helpful :-

  1. Value reader’s time. Keep your posts not too long for the reader to loose interest.
  2. Use effective and attractive titles for your posts.
  3. Images too have a great impact on readers, so try to do a little research to get the best images for your posts.
  4. Keep reading and following tips from other experienced bloggers.
  5. Make use of Community Pool. Read and leave your comments every Monday on their post to increase viewership on your blog.
  6. Reach out to other’s blogs and leave your comments and links to your blog.
  7. Follow other bloggers and leave your link on their blogs and invite them over.
  8. Never leave hope. Never give up.
  9. Believe that Blogging is for you and you are for Blogging.

Love it to Live it!

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Obsession – My Drug

Obsession – My Drug

my Obsession

is my Drug

I   Am

my own Obsession


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10 ways Blogging has Changed Us

10 ways Blogging has Changed Us

Do you feel that blogging has changed you?

Well, it certainly must have changed many of us positively in following ways –

  1. We start to feel to be positive in our approach towards things.
  2. We become more receptive of new ideas and thoughts.
  3. We improve upon our knowledge and experience reading our fellow blogger’s wonderful posts.
  4. We tend to utilize our time effectively by blogging and connecting to wonderful people around the world.
  5. We become supportive and determined to offer help to our fellow bloggers.
  6. We become emotionally attached to our fellow bloggers and it is amazing to have their support when we are in need.
  7. We find a better way to express all our thoughts and emotions through our blogs.
  8. We have a feeling of contentment to be heard and accepted by our fellow bloggers. It gives us great pleasure to learn that we are surrounded by like minded people.
  9. We feel powerful when we speak against negative things like terrorism, sexual abuse, gender inequality and much more. Does that make us a social activist? It is an indeed an honor.
  10. We can officially call ourselves a writer and that is a matter of great pride for us.

Isn’t it a list long enough! Do you want to add more to the above points.. please go ahead.

Cheers to blogging.. Keep blogging!

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Blogging Happiness

Blogging Happiness

What is our ultimate goal in life? Is it money, comforts, education, fame, family, success…

The list may never end. People who have all or some of the above may be happy or still be unhappy in their lives. Sometimes, people who don’t have most or little of the above may still know how to remain as happy as they can be.

So, the ultimate goal in our lives is being happy.

Playing with a child, telling them bedtime stories and listen to them giggling, fresh flowers in the garden, flawless clouds in the sky, having a meal with our family, being together and supporting each other, bringing a smile to a stranger’s face, writing, painting, singing, dancing, holding hands and much more. All these things can give us little peace and happiness.

We all have responsibilities in life and it is not easy to handle the kind of pressure we have in our lives, but we still can try and ease the stress by not ignoring the simple things and making the best use of them to keep us cheered up.

Greed is one thing that kills our happiness. When we always keep wanting more and are never satisfied with what we have, makes us unhappy. We forget to enjoy and relish what we possess and keep urging for more.

Even after having a lot of money, education and fame, people tend to remain dissatisfied in their lives. Many celebrities are a good example of the same. We tend to run after material things in our life and in the end remain unhappy because we are not able to value the small things that can make us happy.

Now, let’s see what blogging can give us –

  1. Blogging is one thing that gives us happiness. It may or may not give us money or fame but we feel connected with each other even if sitting continents away.
  2. We are able to express ourselves on such a fantastic platform.
  3. We receive and give support to each other that gives us pleasure and contentment.
  4. We are happy publishing our work and reading other’s.

At the end of the day, blogging can give us a little or more happiness and makes us a positive person. It makes us strong and inspires us which leads to happiness and self contentment.

So guys, keep blogging, enjoy tiny things in life and stay happy, healthy and blessed!

Love you all!


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fighting the Black Hole

fighting the Black Hole

darkness gulping it all

the light of hope fading

being consumed slowly

like a Geenie filling the jar


I am here still determined

fighting the black hole



Never too Late

Never too Late

whether you tried, or you didn’t

are you a child, a teenager or an adult

did you fail or succeed 

whether you are smiling or shedding tears today

it’s never too late my dear

to start afresh

the world may have gone much ahead

you may be struggling to match the pace

you may or may not win this race

but it’s never too late my dear

it’s never too late

they may make fun, they may laugh at you

they may enjoy to see you struggling

they are naive, too foolish to know your worth

must you never loose your charm

their foolishness doesn’t deserve your time

you must never give up to start afresh

for it’s never too late my dear

it’s never too late


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There surely is a Way

There surely is a Way

Is there a way

is there any way

no! there is no way

no possible way

but there must be a possible way

of million ways which are not the way

there must be just one, atleast one way

that one way which is beyond special 

that one way which will make it all possible


I am not just gonna sit back and watch

I am gonna go ahead with that one way

and prove to myself

that having No Way at all

is not my way

it was never my way

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Allow Me.. Would you?

Allow Me.. Would you?

Let me wish you a smile today

Let me urge you to be your stronger self

Let me remind you of your beautiful dreams

Let me ask you to go grab your will

Let me be your friend today

Let me be your angel my friend

Let me bring a little happiness to you

Allow me my dear.. Would you?

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#inspiration #poetry

my Secret of my Share

my Secret of my Share

my share of the sky

with more of heat, than the rainbow

my share of the rain

with more of shivers, than those dances

my share of the wind

with more of storms, than the cool breeze

my share of the clouds

with more of dullness, than its pretty colors

my share of the taste of life

with more of sour, than the sweet

my share of emotions

with more of tears, than those heartfelt giggles

and my share of YOU my dear

with more of emptiness, than a little of your love

my Secret of my Share ??

I chose to live, the little I had

than to cry for the more, that wasn’t mine

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#poetry #inspiration

Realize your Worth

Realize your Worth

praise like a man wise, praise all good – that’s worth

stay innocent, to match the innocence of a child

roam carefree about, like the clouds move in the wind

make your inner self glow, like the glow of the sun

let the fire swallow all the sin, that’s burning your good self

speak like a man so gentle, with a heart that’s kind to all

realize your worth my dear, you are worthy of the best


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Fail your Pain

Fail your Pain

when you are in pain

when you can’t stop your tears from flowing

think of those children who haven’t eaten for weeks

think of a mother who just lost her son

think of a soldier, who will never come back home

think of his little daughter, waiting for her father 

for all of us, to be in control of our emotions

must we appreciate what we have

must we realize, we have a lot that many people crave for

must we understand the pain of the others

and our own pain will fade, will be less painful

this way my dearest, all of us

shall become better human beings

giving, compassionate, less self centered

contributing towards a better world

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#pain #failPain

I mean it

I mean it

never thought I could have made it this far

never knew I was worth so much

never realized my true potential

never imagined the power of my will


YOU made me come this far

you showed me my real worth

you made me realize I could do wonders

without you, it wouldn’t have been possible


I mean it


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I give goosebumps to Mr. Impossible

I give goosebumps to Mr. Impossible

today, let me reveal a secret

a revelation to put Mr. Impossible to shame

every time he challenged me, stood as a barrier

I gave it back to him right in his face

my will, my wisdom and sincerity 

have done well, to have formed a union

worked tirelessly to make me believe

I always had the power & potential


Mr. Impossible was daring, too tough to face

I accept, he gave me shivers, made my legs tremble

even made me cry many tears

yet, I came out to be stronger than him

I broke him into two pieces

I strike off IM from the IMpossible

he now gets goosebumps thinking of me


my journey is long, many triumphs yet to be seen

I know he wouldn’t fail to come my way

he is way beyond angry with me

determined to take a revenge 

as soon as he gets a chance


Poor Mr. Impossible

he hasn’t realized yet

I have NEVER learnt to give up on life

I have learnt to NOT let him fear me anymore

whenever he may choose to be possible to me

I shall be the one to become Impossible to him

no kidding! Really!

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#poetry #inspiration #challenges

Feeling Inspired or Jealous of other Bloggers!

Feeling Inspired or Jealous of other Bloggers!

I am looking at the stats of my fellow bloggers. The numbers obviously are way much better than mine. I ask myself, why do I not have such great numbers. Why do my posts don’t get as many likes as other’s posts get. I even do a bit of a research on their blog.

Thinking of the same, I could feel in 2 possible ways :-

  1. Inspired
  2. Jealous

If I choose option 1, I could feel inspired to achieve the same for my blog. This is a healthy approach. It would help my blog to grow without a doubt. I will try to learn the strategy and the pattern looking at other’s blogs. I will try to incorporate things that I see them doing and work towards my numbers to boom up.

Option 2, will surely take me nowhere. Rather than trying to rise myself, I will try to find out ways to put other’s blog down. I could do anything depending upon my capabilities, but it surely will have a negative impact on my blog too. I will start to waste my time rather than utilizing it for a better purpose.

So, my dear friends, the choice is ours. To feel Inspired or being Jealous.

Let us all choose the healthy option to achieve more in life and to help others at the same time.


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I started listening to my own self

I started listening to my own self

they decided not to listen to me

ignored my presence cruelly

I was told

I wasn’t worthy of any attention

must I say, it was a setback

brought me the days blue

many nights unusually dark

but, was I to stay so forever?

the good in me introduced me to hope

about them, I didn’t care anymore

amazingly I started to develop feathers

my aspirations gradually turned them to wings

I took my time to learn to fly

THEY were furious to see me in the sky

yet, they could do me no harm then

for I wasn’t wanting them to be my audience

I followed the path that made me believe in me

I followed the hope that gave me beauty

today, as I stood to make my speech

all of them gathered to give me honor

it didn’t matter anymore if anyone would listen

I had discovered a way much better

I started listening to my own self

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#poetry #selfconfidence #inspiration

To jump or not to jump

To jump or not to jump

staring down through the depth of the building

She sat on the top most floor

her situation unfathomable

incapable to consider any solutions

she felt all her power evaporating

her legs trembled, felt empty

shiver ran through her spine

as she struggled to decide

to jump, or not to jump

and she did

but on the other side

to live


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I wrote my own Destiny

I wrote my own Destiny

I wasn’t born worthy

my fate with a dark face

hovered over my head

challenging me

looking into my eyes

made fun of my determination

once, it even spoke to me

forcing me to give in

to accept what’s written for me

was I a fool? no I wasn’t

despite of my many falls

I wasn’t scared, I didn’t stop

my dreams were stronger, much bigger

they gave meaning to my existence

my fate screamed hard at me

with all its force, pulled me to it

still, my will showed me the light

bright enough to make me rise

guess what happened next

defeating my fate

I wrote my own Destiny


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I used my Depression to Inspire me

I used my Depression to Inspire me

I am confused.. this is sort of a happy confusion rather..

Am I depressed or am I inspired?.. I guess I have learnt a way and it is absolutely magical!

I have seen my depression giving birth to my inspiration. Every time I felt low, it inspired me to write about something positive. The pain urged me to find out a way to convert itself into happiness. And that’s what I did. I tried to inspire myself and everyone around to be kind, supportive and stay connected with each other through my posts on WordPress.

The Blogging Series that I published recently is also a product of me fighting with depression. Following is the list of all the blogging series posts for which I received phenomenal response –

  1. mySestina’s Blogging Secrets
  2. My Blog is my baby – do you feel so
  3. A Mission to help the Bloggers
  4. From My Blog to Our Blogs
  5. 10 ways Blogging has changed us
  6. Love Blogging to live it
  7. Participate in mySestina Blog Survey
  8. Take Blogging to the Next Level
  9. Want more followers? Are you treating the existing ones well?
  10. Feeling Inspired or Jealous of other bloggers
  11. Wow Benefits of Blogging
  12. Why Embrace criticism on WordPress
  13. Empowering Bloggers Community

Every time I defeated my depression by writing an inspirational post. Your support made me write more to spread the positive energy around and to get help from it and at the same time helping others.

I guess, I won… and you helped me with the same. I made my depression to work the best possible way for me.

Fantastic! Isn’t it?




let the sun, burn my skin
let the nights be long
let the wind blow against my face
I decide to grow strong

let all the odds just hit on me
let me just have a fall
I’ll gather back all my strength
to stand up right and tall

I start my journey
to climb the up mountain
at a slow and a steady pace
will reach the top, the day will come
in my hands will I have my fate

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Participate in mySestina Blog Survey

Participate in mySestina Blog Survey

Would you like to participate in mySestina Blog Survey ? Please answer just one question –

Do you love to blog? Why?

Please leave your comments below. Also, leave the link to your site for more publicity.

Remember! your participation could inspire someone!

Thanks a lot!

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they scared me

they scared me more

& when they scared me to death

I was born again

fearless, unstoppable

I told them then

beware of looking me into the eye

you shall repent

if I accept the challenge


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The Day I Die

The Day I Die

I wept while singing my songs

tears flowed through my eyes as I walked my way

faced challenges on my path

got pulled by failures on my way

each step I took, took my breath away

yes, I was scared, I cursed this pain

it didn’t stop, the struggle on my way

kept showering its pressure enormous on me

still, time taught me to bear the loss

my will pushed me to enjoy my struggle

my worth told me to learn from my failures

I carried on facing the life

I embraced my pain, I made it my weapon

I fought against the odds with mighty strength

they shall honor me a warrior

the day I die


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a Tiny little drop of Positivity

a Tiny little drop of Positivity

a tiny little drop of positivity

showered on my soul

like it was the ice melting on that mountain

the water falling endlessly

leaving me out of breath, dripping with nobility

scrubbing my heart off the unholy

did i ever imagine such influence

dominating me to my superior self

entrusting me to dispose the venom in me

leaving me speechless for the power it contains

leading me to divinity

just a tiny drop of positivity

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I urge you to….

I urge you to….


I urge you, to close your eyes

if you want, to see the truth

I urge you, to connect to yourself

if you want, to kill your loneliness

I urge you, to relish your pain

if you want, to celebrate happiness

I urge you, to be who you are

if you want, to remain true to yourself


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The Warrior Remains

The Warrior Remains

rust on the edge, of the sword, of the warrior

screamed to him of his charm now fading

pushing him to give up on his reign

forcing him to feel his bones now feeble

yet, the warrior, remains a warrior

heading to perform his will, his duties

not the rust on his sword

no old bones to shake him

he stands to lead, to fight

till the time, his death shall embrace him

the warrior remains


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my Fear

my Fear

the path of life
has made me worth
has made me wise
falls were many
scarce was delight
at times it got too much
was just about to give up
in that moment
I gave myself an advice
there’s no fun in failing
so I stood up to fight
my biggest fall ever
made me rise
rise enough
to reach new heights
for there’s one thing
I left behind forever
my fear

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I wanna Live My Life

I wanna Live My Life

wind chyme, dear wind chyme

would you play some music

I really wanna dance

rainbow dear rainbow

would you spill your colors

to make me glow

waterfall, dear waterfall

would you fall on my soul

cleanse me, make me pure

butterfly, sweet butterfly

would you come touch me

like I am your flower

peacock, pretty peacock

would you open your wings

I wanna bathe in the rain

chocolate, yummy chocolate

would you melt in my mouth

give your sweetness to me

river, flowing river

would you make me flow with you

I wanna dive into the ocean


sorrow, Mr. Sorrow

all my above requests have been accepted

so would you leave me alone

today, I wanna live my life

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#inspiration #poetry

Yes, I killed it.. Confessions?

Yes, I killed it.. Confessions?

I took my time

many years to believe

to gather much courage

to kill that something

that something which pulled ME from ME

that something that laughed at a helpless me

that something that called me a coward

that something that never let me rise

it was bloody all over

today, as I picked a sword 

I cut it in two halves

yes, I killed my FEAR

need I make CONFESSIONS?

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The Pleasure of selling Wisdom

The Pleasure of selling Wisdom



on a hot, sunny, summer day

in my car, I stopped on a traffic signal

an old man, must be in his 70s

came running to me, a pile of books in his hands

sweating, loosing his energy in the heat

offering to sell wisdom at a price too cheap

knocked at the window glass of my car

“would you like to buy some good reads young lady”

with no intention to pay him any attention

I simply nodded my head to refuse

he requested kindly, one more time

this time, I looked into his eyes

how moved I was to see a shine there

his silent eyes were narrating a story

choosing not to beg, he chose to earn his glory

even when his weak bones were making him suffer

he had decided to Earn himself his bread and butter

I bought a book from him for just Rs 150

along with the book, came many blessings

he smiled gently at me, as I started to move

his eyes shone with a pleasure divine

as he waved me a pleasant goodbye

his happiness, his smile just made my day

I looked back to see him walk with pride

approaching another young lady in her car

to continue with his journey 

offering to sell the wisdom unmatched

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embracing my wrinkles

embracing my wrinkles

embracing my wrinkles
fine lines around these eyes
took a lifetime
to earn

for them
am adept
my manner sophisticated
for them
am wise

power lies in me
to what these wrinkles suggest

a little of my age
or many of my triumphs

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#poetry #wrinkles #oldage #inspiration

I started listening to my own self

I started listening to my own self

they decided not to listen to me

ignored my presence cruelly

I was told

I wasn’t worthy of any attention

must I say, it was a setback

brought me the days blue

many nights unusually dark

but, was I to stay so forever?

the good in me introduced me to hope

about them, I didn’t care anymore

amazingly I started to develop feathers

my aspirations gradually turned them to wings

I took my time to learn to fly

THEY were furious to see me in the sky

yet, they could do me no harm then

for I wasn’t wanting them to be my audience

I followed the path that made me believe in me

I followed the hope that gave me beauty

today, as I stood to make my speech

all of them gathered to give me honor

it didn’t matter anymore if anyone would listen

I had discovered a way much better

I started listening to my own self

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#poetry #selfconfidence #inspiration


Born – A new ME

Born – A new ME

that day, the child in me

told me to fly

so i jumped, jumped higher

to touch the sky

each time, I used a little more of my strength

wondering, how much more can I use

hoping, to go a little higher with each try


the cotton like clouds smiled at me

urging me to reach to kiss them

that smile on their face, made me a little shy


the birds flying, making patterns pretty

encouraged me to go, join their flock

to go to a world of dreams

so I never would have to cry


that day….

as the child in me, told me to fly

i tried & with each try 

was born – a new me….

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#poetry #inspiration

Shall I?

Shall I?

shall i urge you to support me a little

shall i ask you to come celebrate life with me

shall i aspire you to be beaming like the sun

shall i inspire you to leave the negative behind

shall i answer your questions if you may have any

shall i gently force you to smile a little

shall i make you forget all of your fears

shall i honor you today for your unmatched courage

shall i praise your serenity that fails the moon

shall i encourage you to climb no matter how high is the mountain

shall i ask you today for one more thing my dear

in the name of humanity

allow me to do all that I can, for you!

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When no one believed in ME – I did

When no one believed in ME – I did

Survivor I Am

Survivor I Am

I fell, I rose
the doors on my way
few open, few close
I was cold, sometimes I was warm
yet merciless struggle
could do my will no harm
looked back a few times
looked forward and climbed
the journey of my life
has taken, has given
it has challenged me
it has driven
success and failure
could neither charm ME
nor could they ever block
SURVIVOR I am, I never stopped
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Tomorrow Never Comes

Tomorrow Never Comes

today i decide to bring a smile to you

today i decide to fill excitement in you

today i decide to inspire you a little

shall i tell a story, or ask you a riddle

today i decide to read what you write

let’s go to the rooftop, shall we fly a kite

come a little closer, let’s kiss each other

let’s sit together & chat for a little while

aren’t we missing each other

aren’t we loosing it fast – the time

shall we do it ALL today

shall we not wait for tomorrow

for i have seen, i have learnt

sometimes leaving us puzzled

leaving us with missed moments


never comes

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Your Majesty – Burj Khalifa

Your Majesty – Burj Khalifa

Standing right next to it and looking at the endless number of floors with the ones at the top, touching the sky. It’s an experience. And I was fortunate to make that experience mine. A dazzling piece of architecture and beauty with a strong foundation.

31st December 2015, the final hours of the countdown. Thousands of tourists had flown to Dubai to see the most spectacular fireworks in the world. People gathering around Burj Khalifa. Eating dinner, having drinks in the most plush restaurants in the world. And suddenly, fire erupts in the building (The Address), spreading at the speed of light. There was a lot of disturbance and it was all over the news.

We were planning on to go see the fireworks and this sad news made us glued to our tv screens watching The Address on fire, live. There were firefighters at the location and the Prince of Dubai was one of them.

Now, only a few minutes left for the New Year to arrive and the building is still on fire. The dilemma was would there be any fireworks or not. I personally was not in favor as I felt the fire was a very sad thing to happen and we must not celebrate to support the victims.

But, they thought differently and right when the clock struck 12, it started. The Proud Burj Khalifa came alive. Colorful lights sparkling around it, and it was one of the most dazzling thing I had ever seen.


Later on, as I dug deeper and thought about their decision to go ahead with the fireworks, to celebrate when others are in pain. What I came to conclude was that I was not completely correct. The perspective of going ahead with the fireworks was not to celebrate over others grief, it was to celebrate life which was still living and hoping.

The proud grand Burj Khalifa stood there and celebrated life. Distributed colors amongst the people who chose to stand there and wait. People who were scared and sad with the fire incident, yet they decided to witness the royal beauty. People who believed in themselves, believed in life. People who promised themselves to bring back life to The Address building just a little later.

Now this is what I call courage and I salute it. And  I am happy to be proven wrong.

Your Majesty – Burj Khalifa

When no one believed in ME – I did

When no one believed in ME – I did

I Inspire Me

I Inspire Me

let the sun, burn my skin
let the nights be long
let the wind blow against my face
I decide to grow strong

let all the odds just hit on me
let me just have a fall
I’ll gather back all my strength
to stand up right and tall

I start my journey
to climb the up mountain
at a slow and a steady pace
will reach the top, the day will come
in my hands will I have my fate

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I give Goosebumps to Mr. Impossible

I give Goosebumps to Mr. Impossible

today, let me reveal a secret

a revelation to put Mr. Impossible to shame

every time he challenged me, stood as a barrier

I gave it back to him right in his face

my will, my wisdom and sincerity 

have done well, to have formed a union

worked tirelessly to make me believe

I always had the power & potential


Mr. Impossible was daring, too tough to face

I accept, he gave me shivers, made my legs tremble

even made me cry many tears

yet, I came out to be stronger than him

I broke him into two pieces

I strike off IM from the IMpossible

he now gets goosebumps thinking of me


my journey is long, many triumphs yet to be seen

I know he wouldn’t fail to come my way

he is way beyond angry with me

determined to take a revenge 

as soon as he gets a chance


Poor Mr. Impossible

he hasn’t realized yet

I have NEVER learnt to give up on life

I have learnt to NOT let him fear me anymore

whenever he may choose to be possible to me

I shall be the one to become Impossible to him

no kidding! Really!


I am so glad to write this post today. I wish to inspire all my fellow bloggers, all my friends and everyone who is a friend to be on the list. Get up and give it back to Mr. Impossible. Tell him, we are not afraid anymore. We have the courage and will, to break him into 2.

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my Fear

my Fear

the path of life
has made me worth
has made me wise
falls were many
scarce was delight
at times it got too much
was just about to give up
in that moment
I gave myself an advice
there’s no fun in failing
so I stood up to fight
my biggest fall ever
made me rise
rise enough
to reach new heights
for there’s one thing
I left behind forever
my fear

image source : google

I started listening to my own self

I started listening to my own self

they decided not to listen to me

ignored my presence cruelly

I was told

I wasn’t worthy of any attention

must I say, it was a setback

brought me the days blue

many nights unusually dark

but, was I to stay so forever?

the good in me introduced me to hope

about them, I didn’t care anymore

amazingly I started to develop feathers

my aspirations gradually turned them to wings

I took my time to learn to fly

THEY were furious to see me in the sky

yet, they could do me no harm then

for I wasn’t wanting them to be my audience

I followed the path that made me believe in me

I followed the hope that gave me beauty

today, as I stood to make my speech

all of them gathered to give me honor

it didn’t matter anymore if anyone would listen

I had discovered a way much better

I started listening to my own self

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