thick dark blanket as I looked up in the sky

searching for an angel I struggled

many stars shined, refusing to flow their light

smiled and twinkled far, for their own selves

my heart ached in anxiety

I wondered of my state without any light

stars had refused, left me deprived

was this to continue, like it had till now

till this date, for the rest of my life

pain emerged, started to flow through my eyes

with helpless hands, I covered this face of mine

that was when, I sensed a presence divine

the air turned fragrant, the breeze brushed my soul

I wondered to dare to uncover my face & as I did

a calm, serene light shined upon me

dedicated itself, it bathed me to be pure

consuming all my pain, all the darkness

it was you my love, to bring me the light

I worried of no dark thereafter

for you became my Moon 

my Saviour

image source


13 thoughts on “My Saviour

  1. I love this xxx I am so glad you’ve found your special Salvatore 💖😃 I am very behind with reading my posts but hope to enjoy more of yours today 😁

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