We all are hiding talent within us and just need to observe a little and realize our true worth. Some of us tend to ignore our capabilities and not observe them closely as we take them for granted.

I am writing this post in order to tell all my dear readers how ignorant I was of my own capability of writing.

As a child, I wrote a couple of poems for the school magazine which were appreciated by my friends and teachers. Then what… nothing!  I again wrote as a teenager a couple of times but never looked at it closely and thought of pursuing it. Sigh! This is where I made a mistake. Today, when I write, people read and they encourage me with their feedback.

It is very important for us to observe closely what we are good at. We tend to ignore our capabilities and don’t give them enough importance. It may happen when we raise our children as well. To give you an example – my daughter would go to the park to play with other children in the evening after school. She played badminton with her friends there who were of her age. She always complained that she gets bored of playing with them and that she wants an adult to make her practice. A few of my neighbors came back telling me that my daughter plays very well and must be encouraged to play at a higher level. I must say, I took my time to realize that they were right. She truly is very good and if given proper coaching, she could actually reach heights in badminton. I have now provided her with a coaching class and she is doing really well there.

My daughter is ten and I am sure it is the best time when I have realized her potential in badminton. She is good at other things like sketching and writing poems as well but sport seem to be her passion. She may not choose it as her profession later but she will never have the feeling of missing on the opportunity. Being her mother, I also take pride in understanding my child’s interests and needs which could really help her now and later.

The motto of this post is to encourage you to look out and observe closely of any kind of talent in someone you know and help them grow.

We are all a part of a big pool of talent.. Let’s make it our life.


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23 thoughts on “Understanding our Talent

  1. I completely agree with you when you say it is important to observe what your daughter is good at and encourage her to do better. If she is interested in sport and enjoys playing, you should definitely encourage her to play more often. Like you rightly said, she may not choose it as her profession later but sport is something she’ll always cherish.
    My father encouraged me to play a sport, any sport, every day..I picked up badminton, volleyball and lawn tennis. And now I also play a bit of table tennis though I am not too good at it. Though I didn’t pick sports as my profession either, I did learn one very important lesson from playing – the lesson of how to lose gracefully! And that’s such an important thing to learn in life!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am happy to learn your and your father’s view on sports. You are right in saying that even if we don’t choose it as a profession, we still have a healthy habit to keep us fit. Also, we may not feel dissatisfied of not giving it a try. Thank you so much for reading my dear.


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