have you ever, forced a smile on your lips

have you ever, told the tears to stay in your eyes

have you ever, hidden your face behind a mask

have you ever, sat on the beach alone for long hours

have you ever, told them you are fine, even when in pain

have you ever, shed tears while praying to the God

have you ever, felt lonely sitting in a crowd

have you ever, felt disconnected from your own self

have you ever, have had a heartbreak

have you ever, been rejected by someone you loved

have you ever asked yourself, why you have to suffer

have you ever

have you ever, looked for the solution ultimate

have you ever – searched inside yourself


image source

42 thoughts on “Have You Ever?

  1. Brings to mind the song, have you ever by Brandy. Oh yea, all the time. I just nominated you for the MakeItUltra awards here, feel free to accept or decline please, I would understand. 😎😊https://blog.mariajob.me/2016/07/27/makeitultra-award-explore-original-blogs/

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Found my way here through a reblog of this post. What a wonderful poem!!! I identified with each line and it resonated with my soul in a way that I was reminded of each of those moments! Thank you for this wonderful read. I am looking forward to more posts from you and I’m excited to be a part of your blogging journey now! Cheers and have a lovely day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How so very kind of you to say such words of praise my dear… I am really glad that you like it and the fact that you could relate to it as well… I too look forward to have good time with you around my dear…

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