No doubt we all want more and more people to follow our blogs. The urge to make our thoughts to reach maximum number of people through our posts is within each one of us.

The question is, are we doing enough to make that happen? Are we doing justice to the people who are following us? Are we giving them enough attention they deserve?

To have more followers, we must appreciate the existing ones. Believe me, the word spreads! People talk to each other and they praise the blogs they like. This is how we get more attention and more followers.

There are a few very important things that need to be kept in mind:-

  1. Build a strong relationship with your followers.
  2. Always reply to their valuable comments.
  3. Try to read as much as you can of their posts and show your love through your comments.
  4. Appreciation is the key. We must appreciate each other’s ideas and offer our support.
  5. Try to follow your followers posts and be genuine. They must never feel neglected.
  6. Always thank your followers for their support and show them that you do care for them as well.
  7. Loving each other like a family is very important. After all, we are all a part of this blogging community.

Remember, we are nothing without our followers, hence we must value their dedication towards us.

Those are mySestina thinking about how we must treat our followers and fellow bloggers. You may add to the above and come up with your suggestions, based upon your experiences.

Ready, to get more followers? Ready to grow together?



image source

77 thoughts on “Want more followers? Are you treating the existing ones well?

  1. This is a necessary post. Often some tend to receive support but fail to give support to others. What you make happen for others will happen for you. I agree, this is necessary in efforts to create a sense of community.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I couldn’t agree more with you. Respect is reciprocal… We should support one another and appreciate those who dedicate time to visit our blogs by returning kind gestures. Nonetheless, it shouldn’t be expected that because someone visited your blog, you must follow suit immediately – when it feels that way, then the love shown is no longer genuine. But there is the need to observe your ardent followers and visit them as often as possible, as time permits to know what is also going on around them. There are blogs I follow that I endeavour to read their posts because I really like their style of writing and get inspiration. And I don’t care if they come to my blog or not. I have followers too who have proven their dedication even when I failed to meet mine towards them (You’re one of those). One thing though, I sincerely appreciate all my followers especially my regulars. My candid opinion. And thank you for this explicit post. I wish I could visit all my followers as often as I desire in my heart. Cheers! 🙂

    Liked by 6 people

    1. First of all let me thank you for sharing your views my dear. You have said it right. Time does not permit us to read each and every post by our followers, still we must try to do as much as we can. Another beautiful thing you said is that when we genuinely follow people, we don’t mind them visiting our blog or not visiting as we learn from their writing style and we enjoy reading their posts. I guess it is a wonderful journey and becomes even better if we hold each other’s hands… Loved your comment here… Thanks a ton sweetheart

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I appreciate that you got my drift and understood my standpoint. Truth be told, we need each other’s support to excel on this journey. And you’ve aptly put it – “I guess it is a wonderful journey and becomes even better if we hold each other’s hands…”. I concur. Yes, it’s always more rewarding to stand together as a team because we learn new things and are better equipped to face the challenges in the process. You are an amazing support as well as your writings. And I’ve enjoyed our interactions. Thanks a bunch my friend. Xoxo

        Liked by 3 people

  3. Brilliant Post, I totally agree with you 100% and I know that I am not doing well at this since I started my part time job, meaning I can reply, comment , read as frequently as before.

    I know how important it is to share the love.

    What I wonder is, those bloggers of have 1000’s of followers how do they do it.. or it a different level at that point.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Everyone starts from scratch my dear.. It is important to not lose hope and keep doing your bit (as much as you can).. it may take less or more time for some people, but you always grow… that’s the best part here… Keep blogging and stay happy!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! I am glad to learn that Dear Minal.. That is the most constructive way to build relationships which would surely last for long. You are a kind soul and you receive the same in return. Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely…. Hello there! Genuine appreciation encourages the writers. It is something that helps one to understand their strong and weak points as well.. To gain followers, we must make sure that we are treating well the ones we have already! Thanks a lot for stopping by Jai!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think the key here is to be genuine. You can’t feign interest in the subject matter of a blog that isn’t your thing. If you follow a blog make sure it’s one you will enjoy reading and enjoy discussing.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reblogged this on Inner Ramblings Boulevard: and commented:
    Reciprocity — treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is the way I life my life. Every decision I make hinges around two questions:
    1. Am I being fair?
    2. Am I being treated fairly?
    I believe if we all stive to incorporate this way of thinking in our daily lives the world would be a much better place.

    The following post is a perfect example of reciprocity. Have a read and see if you agree. Hugs🌷

    August 27 2016

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How very well explained my dear… I am so happy that you appreciate the idea and have even honored me to share it further on your beautiful blog. This way we spread good things that we believe in and make sure to do our bit to make this world a better place for all of us. Loads of love..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome. ☺
        As part of our initiative to show appreciation to our followers, all my Saturday and Sunday posts will be reblogs to showcase the work of our most dedicated subscribers — The ones who take the time to comment regularly. It’s our way of showing our love. Without all of you there would be no ‘us’. To us, comments are precious gems, to be treasured. Reciprocity is the key!

        Have a lovely day. Hugs ☺ 🌷

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Agree wholeheartedly. I do feel I do not give back enough. To my “sharers”. I prefer that word to “followers”. Who am I to be “followed”? 🙂 I already have a hard time to post twice a week on a good week, so I need to develop a “routine” to visit my friends on a regular basis. Haven’t found the system yet. Working on it. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes. Absolutely. Talent is huge. Almost frightening huge. And yet, such talent(s) should have thousands, millions of followers. Well, better to be the “happy few” right?


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